- Capstone helps Organizations build High Performance Culture by simplifying Challenges/ Areas of Improvements by using Appreciative Inquiry (AI) – a Strengths-based Change process.
- AI uses Strengths to identify the Secret Sauce of Organizations to enable sustainable Performance – by drawing from Positive Vitality & Life-giving Forces of the Organization.
- The group works together on driving Systematic Change by owning the High Performance Agenda.
- Challenges may be Systemic or Capability related, Strategic Planning and Execution or steps to remain current, relevant and competitive in the Market.
- The current disruptive times are significant opportunities for Organization-wide Transformation and for Leading and Managing the Value Creation Journey with a difference!

High Performance Cultures require Leadership with –
- A Vision for Change
- Determination to challenge the Status quo
- Adaptability/ Flexibility to Change systems/ processes to manifest the benefits of Change
- Enable Winning Mindsets and Mental modules to enable Morale, Engagement & Problem solving for Performance

90-120 minutes Talk Series by Subject Matter Experts, Thought Leaders on Contemporary and relevant Topics
Interactive Speaker series for driving Change through Reflection
Building Resilience – Anti-Fragile Leadership Program
Human-centric Leadership in the New Economy
Ten Leadership Shifts in the New Economy
From Bureaucracy to Humanocracy
Psychological Safety is Key for Innovation
Conscious & Unconscious Biases
Political Savvy – where Talent & Hardwork is not enough
High Performance Culture needs Grit to Change!
Learning through Social & Emotional Intelligence
Reimagining the Future of Work
“Every now and then you look for that one person who can inspire you to Reflect, think differently and embark on the journey of Personal Transformation… Dr Sujaya Banerjee is that person for me…”
- Marketing Director of leading luxury Car company
“The feedback is effusive as usual but All are using Dr Banerjee’s vocabulary… this is incredible impact and we are fascinated.. left asking for more…”
- CEO of Leading Tractor Manufacturing company
“The most inspiring session of my career”
- Senior Leader of Leading Bank
“Now that we have experienced this Gold standard of learning our leaders are refusing to accept a different Faculty…”
- CEO of MNC Leading Bank
“This session has been an eye Opener, better and more meaningful than what I just attended at Wharton “
- Senior Leader at Leading Automobile company
“Just 2 hours is not enough we should have had just this Speaker/ Facilitator for 2 Full days- that’s how profound the session was. Kudos to Dr Banerjee!!”
-Regional Head of leading Bank